Based on the arcade franchise of the same name, this fantasy series follows Jil who has been kicked out of his half-brother Neeba's Climber party. Desperate to get to the top of the tower and defeat the evil Druaga, Jil finds himself partnered with the beautiful oracle Kaaya, valliant Spear woman Ahmey, lazy mage Melt, and perky retainer Coopa. Together the band of heroes climb to the top to kill the evil god and claim a legendary treasure, but there may just be more to this adventure than meets the eye.
This is probably the most epic anime serise I've seen since Fullmetal Alchemist, it also is the funniest as well.
Druaga begins with a dream episode, were Jil is knocked out and fantasyzing about his grand adventure climbing the tower. This episode alone cracks me up, the comedic timing and fooly-cooly like randomness makes the beginning a great start. Now the first season all in all is tons of filler, which would turn me off instantly. but this my friends is good filler (yes there is such a thing). Every filler episode has tons of laughs and tounge in cheek pop culture refrences that few could watch this and not find this serise entertaining.
But it starts to pace itself once we reach episode 6,(which don't fret it's still funny) this show pulls somthing off that very few shows can, Build characters through comedy and define them in tragedy. Druaga is a wonderful example of excellent chracer development, making us fall in love with characters through light hearted adventures and feel for them in epic quests, season one pulls off the perfect combonation of funny and epic all in 13 episodes.
Season 2 continues were season one lets off (which was a exciteing twist). Though has its momments of humor, season 2 does not have the same comedic jolt as season one, but this is actually quite fitting. New characters are introduced, though some are not quite as memorable as others ( While Uragon and Henaro are wonderful Gremica and Nakia are forgetable)
But were season two lacks in humor and in minor character development it makes up in story OH HOW IT MAKES UP IN STORY! the story for season 2 is nothing more than brilliant and epic, a tale that feels like somthing from Tolkien or C.S. Lewis. and I wont spoil anything but the ending is wonderful.
The animation is nothing short of astounding, of course it is Gonzo so why wouldn't be? The movements and expressions on each charcter is fluid and alive, and gives off a warmth that shows rarely have. The Music is quite impressive with sounds similar to any epic fantasy film, though some tracks were a little over used.
And least we forget the super fun opening songs and there even more energetic opening animation, which had me grining every time it came up.
This dub had an incredible cast spear headed by the wonderful Leah Clark (who played Kai) . Todd Haberkorn shines yet again as the quirky hero and does a great job doing so. Teh comedic timing of Monica Rial and Chuck Huber as Coopa and Melt was brilliant to say the least, and Chuck Huber really brought Melt a element of sadness in a later episodes that showed Melt as more than just a plucky comic relief. Travis Willingham plays it cool (as allways) with Neeba. and two wonderful noteable proformances from Josh Grelle as Young Gil and Brittney Karbowski as Henaro.
There was quite a bit of fanservice, but was always censored by steam or ironic turn if events (episode 5) But season 2 has 3 scenes were ther was no steam or irony were nudity was shown. Language was about as heavy as any TV-14 show, nothing to bad but there was still language present. Violence and blood are throughout the show, but its about as violent as what you see in an episode of DBZ. There are a few suggestive jokes and events, one involving Fatina in episode 1, were she is groped by Roppers ( aka tentacle monsters) in a VERY sexual way ( though I must admit the male memmbers of the group made this scene VERY funny) there is also a scene that I would like to mention, after Kaaya begins to defend her beliefs in her gods which Neeba has only but hatred for, Neeba pushs Kaaya down while he is shirt-less and asks is it the gods will for this, implying would the gods want me to rape you, though he dosn't it still is a pretty edgey scene for younger eyes.
This had a collection of wonderful extras. Season one Comes with an OVA and a super funny commentary with Todd Haberkorn, Monica Rial, and Chuck Huber. Season Two has a serise walk-through with some intresting history about the druaga franchise, a commercial for some promo dish at a resturant inspired by Melts's favorite dish, and a commentary with Trina Nishimura, Lia Clark, and Jamie Marchi. and Of course bothe seasons of clean Opening/Ending animation and a collection of trailers.
4 1/2 Out of 5
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